Privacy Policy
Archbishop Stepinac High School


This privacy policy ("Policy") explains how personal information is collected, used, disclosed and secured by

Archbishop Stepinac High School

If you do not agree to the terms of this Policy, please do not use the Site(s).

We reserve the right to change the provisions of this Policy at any time. We will alert you that changes have been made by indicating on the Policy the date it was updated. 365beat手机中文版亚洲官方网站鼓励您不时查看本政策,以确保您了解您提供的任何个人信息将如何被使用. 您在这些条款变更发布后继续使用本网站即表示您接受这些变更

What Is Personal Information?

As used herein, 术语“个人信息”是指具体识别个人的信息(如姓名), address, telephone number, mobile number, e-mail address, date of birth, credit card number, social security number), 个人信息不包括“汇总信息”。, which is data we may collect about the use of the Site(s) or about a group or category of users, from which individual identities or other personal information has been removed. This Policy in no way restricts or limits our collection and use of aggregate information.

How Do We Collect Information, and What Types of Information Do We Collect?


Active Collection:

We collect certain information when you voluntarily provide it, such as if you send us an you otherwise provide or request information. Such information may include various types of personal information. Additionally, we may also collect demographic information such as your age, gender, country and zip code of residence, recent purchases, and preferences. This demographic information may be associated with your personal information. If this demographic information is connected with personal information, we will treat the demographic information as personal information

For some features of the Site, you may be able to submit information about other people. For instance, if you may submit someone else’s personal information. 本公司将使用365beat手机中文版亚洲官方网站从您那里收集的有关其他人的任何此类信息来执行您的请求.

Passive Collection:

When you use the Site, some information is also automatically collected, 如果365beat手机中文版亚洲官方网站将此信息与上述任何个人信息相结合或链接,365beat手机中文版亚洲官方网站将此信息视为个人信息. Otherwise, it is used in the aggregate only. 365beat手机中文版亚洲官方网站也可能通过使用“cookie”(包括持久和/或会话cookie)或网络信标(也称为网络漏洞)自动收集某些信息并监控用户活动, pixel tags, tracking pixels, or clear gifs) on the Site. “持久cookie”存储在用户的硬盘驱动器上,直到它过期(持久cookie设置了截止日期)或直到用户删除cookie. Persistent cookies help websites remember your information and settings when you visit them in the future. “Session cookies” are cookies that expire upon the conclusion of your visit to a website. 这些类型的cookie被广泛用于促进消费者与网站的互动,如果您希望阻止, erase, or be warned of cookies on the Site, please refer to your browser manufacturer to learn about these functions. However, if you choose to remove or reject cookies, this could affect certain features on the Site. In addition to the above, information provided by cookies, web beacons, or other devices may be used, among other things, to

We work with a company called ReachLocal, which assists us in advertising our products and/or services. One of the products that we have purchased from ReachLocal is a retargeting product, 使ReachLocal能够在您访问ReachLocal网络或第三方网络中的其他网站时向您展示365beat手机中文版亚洲官方网站网站的广告. ReachLocal能够通过使用由ReachLocal通过其第三方合作伙伴提供的cookie(“广告cookie”)来做到这一点。. The sole use of these cookies is, as stated above, to simply show you advertisements for our site, they are not being used to track you in any other way. Moreover, ReachLocal不会将cookie或任何其他cookie中的信息链接到您可能已提供的任何个人信息.

You may set most browsers to notify you if you receive a cookie, or you may choose to block cookies, though either of those actions may affect the use of our Site. However, if you wish to opt out of any of the Advertising Cookies, you can do this simply by navigating to, 它将带您进入一个网页,在那里您可以选择退出目前与ReachLocal的再营销产品相关的广告cookie.

If you have any questions regarding ReachLocal and/or the Advertising Cookies, you are encouraged to contact ReachLocal at

How Do We Use the Personal Information We Collect?

365beat手机中文版亚洲官方网站将通过本网站收集的个人信息用于本政策或本网站其他地方所述的目的. For example, 365beat手机中文版亚洲官方网站可能会将365beat手机中文版亚洲官方网站收集的个人信息和其他信息用于收集信息的任何其他目的.

If you no longer wish to receive from us, you may opt out of all future communications

Further, 365beat手机中文版亚洲官方网站可能会将收集的个人信息提供给第三方用于营销和促销目的.  如果您决定不希望365beat手机中文版亚洲官方网站与这些公司分享您的个人信息以用于其营销和促销目的, please send an e-mail.  在此电子邮件中声明您希望公司不要将您的个人信息分享给第三方用于营销目的.  Your opt out request will be processed within thirty (30) days of the date of which we receive it. 

What Personal Information Do We Share With Third Parties?

We will not share the personal information we collect from you through the Site(s) with third parties, except as described in this Policy or on the Site(s). For example, we may share personal information as follows:

Aggregate Information:

We may take your personal information and make it non-personally identifiable, 要么将其与其他个人的信息结合起来(将您的信息与其他个人的信息结合起来), 或者通过删除使您的信息具有个人身份的特征(例如您的姓名)(例如您的姓名).e., de-personalizing your information). This can include usage information and/or information that is not connected to personal information. Given the nature of this information, 本隐私政策不限制365beat手机中文版亚洲官方网站对您的个人信息进行聚合或非个性化处理的权利, 365beat手机中文版亚洲官方网站可能以任何方式与第三方使用和共享由此产生的非个人身份信息.

Purchase or Sale of Businesses:

From time to time, 365beat手机中文版亚洲官方网站可能会购买或出售365beat手机中文版亚洲官方网站的一项或多项业务,您的个人信息可能会作为购买或出售的一部分被转移. If we purchase a business, the personal information received with that business would be treated in accordance with this Policy, if it is practicable and permissible to do so. If we sell a business, 365beat手机中文版亚洲官方网站将在销售合同中加入条款,要求买方按照本政策(包括对本隐私政策的任何修订)所要求的方式处理您的个人信息。. The provisions of this paragraph will also apply if we are sold as part of bankruptcy proceedings.


当365beat手机中文版亚洲官方网站真诚地相信(a)法律要求披露个人信息时,365beat手机中文版亚洲官方网站将披露此类信息, including, for example, to comply with a court order or subpoena, or (b) will help to: enforce our policies; enforce contest, sweepstakes, promotions, and/or game rules; protect your safety or security, including the safety and security of property that belongs to you; and/or, protect the safety and security of our Site(s) or third parties.

How Can You Modify Or Delete Your Personal Information?

You may modify or delete the personal information collected through the Site at any time

Does This Policy Apply to Other Websites Linked To From the Site(s)?

The Site(s) may contain links to other websites.  您在链接页面或应用程序上提供的任何个人信息将直接提供给该第三方,并受该第三方隐私政策的约束.  This Policy does not apply to such linked sites, 365beat手机中文版亚洲官方网站对这些网站或与本网站链接的任何其他网站的内容、隐私和安全做法及政策概不负责。.  365beat手机中文版亚洲官方网站鼓励您在向他们提供个人信息之前了解他们的隐私和安全实践和政策. 

Do We Collect Information From Children Under the Age of 13?

The Site(s) is not intended for use by children under the age of 13, and Company does not knowingly collect or use any personal information from such children.  If we become aware that we have unknowingly collected personal information from a child under the age of 13, we will make commercially reasonable efforts to delete such information from our database. 

What Steps Do We Take To Protect Your Information?

We take measures designed to protect your personal information in an effort to prevent loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.  We provide physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect information we process and maintain.  Please be aware, however, that despite our efforts, 没有任何安全措施是完美的或牢不可破的,也没有任何数据传输方法可以保证不被任何拦截或其他类型的滥用. To protect the confidentiality of personal information maintained in your account, you must keep your password confidential and not disclose it to any other person. You are responsible for all uses of the Site(s) by any person using your password.  Please advise us immediately if you believe your password has been misused.


This Policy and the privacy practices of Company will be subject exclusively to the laws of the State of [NY.] in the United States.  本公司不声明本政策和365beat手机中文版亚洲官方网站的做法符合任何其他国家或司法管辖区的法律.  居住在美国境外的本网站用户是主动这样做的,并负责遵守当地法律, if and to the extent local laws are applicable.  If you reside outside of the United States, by using the Site, you consent to the transfer, processing and use of your information outside your country.


If you have any questions about this Policy, please contact us